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31 December 2024

Beach Clean Up Activities

VENUE: Pantai Bersih Bagan Ajam, Butterworth, Penang

Total of 12 of our staff were participate in the activity. This time, many family member volunteer themselves to participate in this activity at Pantai Bersih Bagan Ajam, approximately 11 km from Penang office. Our aim is to collect as much plastic waste and trash on the beach as possible. It coincides with sustainable development Goal 13 is about “Climate Action” and Goal 14 is about "Life Below Water". That is our effort to contribute with the goal of achieving a sustainable society based on our group philosophy.

Activity start around 9AM. Everyone start to collect trash together.

Nowadays, R&R Bagan Ajam become famous place to have some activities at evening & night time. Because now, many food stalls open to attract more peoples to come. The most frequently collected waste, which seems to be dominated by plastic, paper drink cups, bottles, and cigarette butts. All rubbish that has been collected is weighed and handed over to the staff there to be disposed. The rubbish collected is approximately 60kg.

Our group picture after clean up activities.

The event was organized as part of aG's SDG activities for the environment. By participating in such activities, all members can learn how to love the environment and ensure a clean beach.In addition, this activity can also be said to be our contribution to ensure that the coastal area is clean before the New Year 2025 celebration at that night.

We end our activities with birthday celebration & eat lunch together.


15 November 2024

Azbil Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.25th Anniversary Party

VENUE: Sunway Resort Hotel

This year marks a significant milestone for Azbil Malaysia as we celebrate 25 years of innovation, growth, and success. We began as a small office in 1999 with 4 employees in KL. Now has become a leading company in automation industry with current workforce reached to more than 70 employees. Driven by a commitment to excellence, a focus on customer satisfaction, and a vision for a brighter future.

This year, our dress code was batik,symbolizing the rich cultural heritage of Malaysia. All the guests, including the Managing Director of the company, the Department Managers and employees, were dressed in batik. Before the ceremony, we held an anniversary logo contest as part of our employee engagement activities. On this memorable night, we played stage game and held a lucky draw, which brought a lot of fun and joy to everyone. We also presented the long service award to employees as a token of appreciation. When the employees received their award and gifts on the stage, they shared their positive experiences and the highlights of working with this company.

At the core of Azbil Malaysia's achievements are the people who make it all possible. Our talented and dedicated employees have been the driving force behind every innovation and every project. From long-standing team members who have been with us since the early days to new employees who bring fresh perspectives, each person has played a vital role in shaping our company's story.

We owe our success not only to our team but also to our valued customers and business partners who have supported us along the way. Their trust, loyalty, and collaboration have been crucial to our journey. We've had the privilege of building long-lasting relationships that go beyond business, rooted in shared values and mutual success.

As we celebrate 25 years of achievements, we also look to the future with excitement and optimism. We are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Our azbil's group philosophy remains on“human-centered automation”to realize safety, comfort and fulfillment in people's lives and contribute to global environmental preservation.


24 October 2024

Malaysia Cloud & Data Center Convention 2024

VENUE: Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Azbil Malaysia has joined Malaysia Cloud & Data Centre Convention 2024 (MYCDC24) on 24th Oct 2024 at Hilton Hotel KL. As a country Malaysia has adopted a proactive approach towards Cloud & Data center adoption with the Government in 2019 announcing its ‘Cloud First’ initiative. With an emerging young population with increasing data needs the internet economy is expected to continue its rapid expansion. Azbil Malaysia take this opportunity to show case the latest technology with Azbil IBMS and Azbil Digital Twin. This one-day event attended by data center owners, consultants, data center providers and suppliers.


28 Semptember 2024

SDGs activity - Beach Clean Up by Azbil Terengganu branch

On 28th September 2024, our azbil Terengganu branch has successfully completed the annual SDGs activity at Chendor Beach in Pahang state. At first, we planned to do river cleaning, but due to inclement weather, the place was closed. For that reason, we chose to do beach cleaning at Chendor Beach which located approx. 15km from Azbil Terengganu office. This beanch is popular as a family gathering spot. After a few visits, we found that the place was left trashed during the weekend.

On that day, as early at 8.30 am, all the staff and their family members arrived and gathered. Simple briefing given by our senior staff regarding to the activities. Adults and teenagers of the family members was provided with the tools such as glove, clipper and garbage bags for cleaning purposes.

After an hour of cleaning, we took some rest and had some drinks and pasta for breakfast. We continued for another hour and finished at 11.30 am. From the activities, we managed to collect four bags of garbage.

At noon, family members prepared to serve lunch, and children enjoyed their sand time. The gathering was happily over at 2.00 pm after a mouthful of lunch meals and few bags of garbage collected.

We hope from this activities, our new generation can learn on how to keep a clean beach and at the same time can reduces the risk pollution poses to marine flora and fauna.


22 June 2024

SDGs activity - Tree Planting 

This year, in conjunction with the celebration of World Environmental Day in support of Planting Campaign of 100 million tress. AMY's SDGs programme was organized in collaboration with our customer - Kyudenko.

On 22 June 2024 (Saturday), Azbil Malaysia has carried out tree planting activity at Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM). One of the leading institutions in tropical forestry research in the world. The tree planting activity, was part of the SDGs initiative that ensures our active commitment in giving back to the community and to the environment with the helped of the FRIM Forest Management Branch Staff. The activity was attended by thirty-three (33) participants from both companies including Managing Director, Managers and Staffs.

Ms. Maria Arlene Jackan, FRIM's Public Relations Officer delivered a welcome speech followed by a speech by Mr. Keiji Hashimoto, Managing Director of Azbil Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Mr. Hashimoto stressed that tree planting activities are important for future generations, and they are fortunate to have the opportunity to contribute to the preservation of nature.

This activity aims to raise awareness to the society in the importance of planting and saving trees, express our concern to the environment, and diminish the unfavourable effects of climate change. It also helps us build a strong relationship with each other by helping hand in hand in preserving the ecology.

FRIM provided 40 assorted forest seedlings and assisted us in the planting areas. Before we started the activity. Mr. Mohd Nizam Achin, the CSR Secretary delivered a safety briefing and also demonstrated the proper way of planting trees. After the briefing, we split into 4 groups, and went up to the planting site to see the holes where the saplings are to be planted. The saplings are placed on the hole and ready to be planted. We carefully removed the cover of the saplings, held the soil that protect the roots, and placed them on to the holes. We poured the hole with soil, making sure the saplings are properly planted and placed a bamboo stick beside the plants. The bamboo stick will serve as a marker that there is a newly planted sapling in the area. The trees that we planted will be taken good care by the FRIM.

As many as 40 plants consisted of slender sparrow, oil vulture, male snail, winged sparrow and pelong licin were successfully planted by the participants.

Walking through the path to the forest is a nice experience to enjoy the beauty of the nature and breathing the fresh air away from the city. We walked about 500m to the planting site.

Mr. Mohd Nizam, the Senior Research Assistant of FRIM gave us briefing on the proper way of holding the saplings and the way of planting a tree.

1,2,3... ready to go up to the planting site.

Mr. Hashimoto clearing the surrounding before started to plant.

Carefully holding the saplings to be placed in the hole.

The saplings are placed on the hole and ready to be planted.

The saplings are placed on the hole and ready to be planted.

A plaque of Azbil Malaysia was placed in front of our plant.

After completed the planting, we took a group photo at the planting site.

Group photo of two companies.

Ms. Maria Arlene Jackan, FRIM's Public Relations Officer presented the certificate and souvenir to both companies.


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